

Judy Oliver | David Bond | Jacqueline Birt | Keryn Chalmers | Suzanne Maloney | Albie Brooks

The seventh edition of Birt's Accounting textbook is designed for the core accounting unit in a business or commerce degree. Many students who plan to major in soft-side disciplines such as marketing or human resource management need a clear and accessible text that emphasises the relevance of accounting to business. The Accounting interactive e-text features a range of instructional media content designed to provide students with an engaging learning experience. This includes practitioner videos from Ernst & Young, animated work problems and questions with immediate feedback. Birt’s unique resource can also form the basis of a blended learning solution for lecturers.
Advanced Accounting

Advanced Accounting

Joe Ben Hoyle | Thomas Schaefer | Timothy Doupnik

The approach used by Hoyle, Schaefer, and Doupnik in the new edition allows students to think critically about accounting, just as they will do while preparing for the CPA exam and in their future careers. With this text, students gain a well-balanced appreciation of the Accounting profession. As Hoyle 12e introduces them to the field's many aspects, it often focuses on past controversies and present resolutions. The text continues to show the development of financial reporting as a product of intense and considered debate that continues today and into the future. The writing style of the eleven previous editions has been highly praised. Students easily comprehend chapter concepts because of the conversational tone used throughout the book. The authors have made every effort to ensure that the writing style remains engaging, lively, and consistent which has made this text the market leading text in the Advanced Accounting market. The 12th edition includes an increased integration of IFRS as well as updated accounting standards.